lets ask shogo your japanese friend in kyoto

Why You Shouldn’t Move to Japan (And Conditions for Those Who Should)

Why It’s a Hassle to Live in Kyoto

What’s This For?

The 2 Surprising Reasons Why Japan HATES Kyoto

MUST WATCH Before Buying Iaitō (Training Katana) | 5 Crucial Points

Kyoto Hates Tourists?

Is Duolingo Really a Good Way to Study Japanese? | A Japanese Man Reacts to Duolingo

A Summary of the History of Samurai by a Japanese Swordsman

Why Strings on Katana?

The Full History of Capital Relocation in Japan

The Best KATANA Shop in Kyoto | Where You Can Buy Everything You Need to Train Japanese Martial Arts

The Surprising PRICE and Where to Meet Maiko in Kyoto Today

5 Tips for Polite Japanese Table Manners

6 Real KATANA Recommended by Kyoto’s Iaido Dojo | The Very First Real Katana of My Life

The 3 Disadvantages of Having Tattoos in Japan (Not Only Onsen)

Which KAMON Crest Are We Allowed to Use Freely?

The Life of a Modern Day Tayū Working in Kyoto

Tokyo vs. Kyoto #Shorts

The Surprising Reasons for Samurai's Strange Hairstyle

Inside a Kimono Shop Specialized for Men in Kyoto, Japan | How a Pro Coordinates Kimono

Watch Before Giving Anything to Japanese People

Why Kyoto is Dying #Shorts

Who is Let's ask Shogo? (Ver. 2023) #Shorts

MUST Watch Before Staying at Ryokan Hotels in Japan